Swedish Oak is Ready for a New Experience
In August 2014 I arrived in Jarna, Sweden for the 4th biannual international meeting of LifeNet. This was my second visit to Jarna that is home to 40 Anthroposophical initiatives! There is the kulture hall, biodynamic farms/training, Waldorf schools and there is a program called the Youth Initiative Program that my son had attended and which prompted my first visit in 2011.
In Sweden, at the end of March, in honour of Spring, large bonfires are ignited in fields. I attended one of these fire festivals in 2011 and near the site of the annual fire grew a venerable oak, which was at least 600 years old. I was impressed by this tree. I decided when I returned for the conference that I would approach that tree to ask permission to bring a group from the conference in order to hold a mini-workshop on tree conversations.
As I was sitting with the tree I introduced the question of bringing a group the next day. The tree was skeptical:
“Ah, every year for 600 years the people come and sing the same song”
I tried to communicate that what we would do would be quite different and in fact I couldn’t predict precisely what would happen…
“Right” the tree responded, again skeptically, “Every year for 600 years they come and sing the same song…”.
Finally the tree agreed and I came the next day with a group of 12 ages 10-72! Each person had their own particular experience and the drawings were diverse. For the participants it opened some doors to new possibilities and the tree….the tree was delighted! That crusty old Swedish Oak was “skipping” with joy. Something new at last!!!