Dulwich Park and Dyers Bay( Georgian Bay) Tree Conversation drawings

Oak ( third of three in section fenced in ” Nature reserve”) Dulwich Park, South London, England June 18 2015

Oak ( one of three “Nature reserve” /squirrels kept me away first time I came) Dulwich Park, South London, June 10 2015

Oak ( middle of three in “wild” enclosure in Dulwich Park, South London, England June 18 2015

April 24 2105 Pine, Dyer’s Bay, Ontario, Canada Water and then three trees making a pathway. In front of the Applewood Restaurant

April 25 2015 White Cedar, Dyer’s Bay, Bruce Trail, Ontario Growing out of limestone cliff. Great Guardian of the region.

April 25 2015 White Cedar, Dyer’s Bay , Bruce Trail growing out of limestone cliff: Guardian tree of the guardian

April 24 2015 Pines, Singing Sands, Tobermory, Georgian Bay, Ontario John Muir walked here and remarked on the unique quality!

“The” Turkey Oak ( largest and oldest) in Dulwich Park, South London May 5 2014

A Turkey Oak ( near Scot’s pine) in Dulwich Park, South London, Showing a “snapshot” of the personality April 20 2014

A Turkey Oak ( near the Scot’s pine) in Dulwich Park South London: Tree gives it’s summary of the condition of the world today April 20 2104