Gallery Brooklyn Botanical Gardens and Central Park Manhattan

May 21 2015 American Hornbeam in Central Park New York. I was approached by a student of Circus who was drawn to the image! Location just on the east side of the Great Lawn

May 22 2015 Oak?Central Park, New York Preparing to work with Marko Pogacnik in park. Gail with me. Photo for this also here

May 23 2015 London Plane Central Park Working with this tree while the group worked with another tree. Not completed

May 23 2015 ? Carl photographed it Central Park NY I worked with this while the group worked with Marko on an area nearby

May 23 2015 Linden (72nd st) Central Park, New York This was an area for PAN I was simply doing a quick conversation freely listening and following guidance when I saw very quickly at the end of the 10 minutes that a face, of PAN was showing itself!

May 21 2015 American Elm Central Park, New York Near a soccer field. Entitlement/privilege/ oblivious to the trees. Although a young man who lost his hat sings a song he created on the spot for me and three! Sweet.

May 21 2015 American Elm Central Park, New York Just north of the Met. A small valley with several large trees. This one adorned with blue chalk. Children playing joyfully on the grass. Tree connecting with the mission of the Metropolitan Museum

May 21 2015 Gingko Central Park, New York One of a foursome of mature trees just north of the Met. Lovers seem to be drawn to this tree. Also connected with the mission of the Met.

May 21 2015 Oak Central Park, New York, Unable to work with the Beech from previous year. This tree witnesses a lot of large outdoor birthday parties. There was a theme party with very small children on….she has seen it all!!

May 21 2015 Buttonwood Sycamore Central Park New York One of a group of four mature trees just north of the Met. Also connected with the mission of the Met. Also part of the mood of real joy in this little area.

May 23 2015 ? Tree conversation while group was working in Central Park but I don’t know the kind of tree or where it was.
This page is for those who are interested in the upcoming workshops in Manhattan and Brooklyn in May 2018.
Sunday May 13 in Central Park and Tuesday May 15 in Prospect Park in Brooklyn.

Bonsai: May 11 2013 Japanese White Pine

Brooklyn Botanical Garden: Bonsai Japanese White Pine May 11 2013

Plaque for “Radio Rainbow” Oak in Brooklyn Botanical Gardens May 2013

Hybrid Oak, Brooklyn Botanical Gardens May 2013

Hybrid Oak, Brooklyn Botanical Gardens May 2013

Hybrid Oak, Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, May 2013

Hemlock Tree: Sara’s place Hunter Mountain , New York
June 28 2014 Tree communicates about the disruption by satellite dish

Oak near North Lake, Hunter Mountain, New York State, USA
June 2014

Red Maple, Hillsdale, New York June 27 2014

Red Maple ( while being tapped), Buttonwood Hollow, New York June 26 2014

Caucasian Wingnut , Brooklyn Botanical Gardens: On the boundary with the city: protecting and working with another tree as a pair..bringing in Mother Mary June 15 2013

Second Conversation with Hybrid Oak in the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens June 15 2013

Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, New York, A 74 year old Fagus creunta Bonsai June 15 2013

Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, New York This is a 93 year old Pinus Mugo Bonsai June 15 2013

Oak, Great Hill, Central Park, New York . Next to the path, a gateway, threshold between light and dark, day and night June 11 2013

Linden Tree, Central Park North, There are beings in our blood, effecting our moral compass June 11 2013

American Elm, Central Park near the Elm Sanctuary This is powerful male energy May 26 3013

Linden Tree, Central park near the Met, This is where different dimensions intersect…the heart knows June 1 2013

Beech , near the Met, Central Park, New York This is a listening tree, listening to the park, the nature spirits, the people passing May 26 2013

Brooklyn Botanical Garden, Bonsai Japanese White Pine May 11 2103

First conversation with the Hybrid Oak Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, New York (May 11 2013)

A Japanese Cherry tree in bloom in the Brooklyn Botanical gardens, New York May 11 2013

English Oak Brooklyn Botanical Garden, New York May 11 2013