Galleries: Dyer’s Bay, Ontario, Canada and Macinaw Island, Michigan, USA
- April 24 2105 Pine, Dyer’s Bay, Ontario, Canada Water and then three trees making a pathway. In front of the Applewood Restaurant
- April 24 2015 Pines, Singing Sands, Tobermory, Georgian Bay, Ontario John Muir walked here and remarked on the unique quality!
- April 25 2015 White Cedar, Dyer’s Bay , Bruce Trail growing out of limestone cliff: Guardian tree of the guardian
- April 25 2015 White Cedar, Dyer’s Bay, Bruce Trail, Ontario Growing out of limestone cliff. Great Guardian of the region.
The landscape here has unique qualities. Limestone cliffs, white cedar growing without soil, water that is from the far North ( via Georgian Bay). Manitoulin island nearby is known by Native people to be sacred.
I have discovered that many of these cedar trees are between 800 and 1100 years old. I had the experience of being shown how each tree growing out of the rock was like a hair on the scalp of Gaia! That was my first inkling that there is a large group of trees over a large area working together. I hope to return in the spring of 2016 to find more of these ancient trees and deepen my work and questioning with them. To be continued.
- May 23 2015 White Cedar Mackinac Island, Michigan with Marko Pogacnik and group. Perception of rock formation
- May 23 2015 White Cedar Mackinac Island, Michigan with Marko Pogacnik and group. White cedar growing out of limestone cliff overlooking water: Stone Arch
- May 24 2015 Oak Harbor Springs, Michigan On plateau overlooking town. Villas along plateau and Lake Michigan on other side. Presented to group. Connected to their perceptions
Work with Marko Pogacnik May 2015 Harbor Springs, Lake Michigan. We worked on Macinaw Island. Important encounter with black dock worker. I asked what the American dream meant to him. He said “Freedom from harm.”.
The trees and limestone features reminded me of Dyer’s Bay and the Bruce Trail in Ontario. Looking on a map they are actually part of the same geography . The national border obstructs a natural continuation between Manitoulin Island and Macinaw Island.