For Dulwich Park Clock Cafe: Drawings with Trees in Dulwich from 2014/2015 ( I have many more from this visit 2017!)

Turkey Oak ( near Scot’s pine) Dulwich Park, South London England June 16 2015

Turkey Oak ( near Scot’s Pine) Dulwich Park, South London, England June 10 2015

Oak ( third of three in section fenced in ” Nature reserve”) Dulwich Park, South London, England June 18 2015

Oak ( one of three “Nature reserve” /squirrels kept me away first time I came) Dulwich Park, South London, June 10 2015

Oak ( middle of three in “wild” enclosure in Dulwich Park, South London, England June 18 2015

Oak ( Simon’s favorite) Dulwich Park, South London First conversation August 2014

Turkey Oak ( not the largest one) in Dulwich Park, Third Conversation from same trip August 2014

Horse Chestnut, Dulwich Park, South London, England April 29 2014

Oak, Dulwich Park, Near boat house, South London, England April 29 2014 Very oriented to the child

Cedar of Lebanon in Dulwich Park, South London May 25 2014

“The” Turkey Oak ( largest and oldest) in Dulwich Park, South London May 5 2014

A Turkey Oak ( near Scot’s pine) in Dulwich Park, South London, Showing a “snapshot” of the personality April 20 2014

A Turkey Oak ( near the Scot’s pine) in Dulwich Park South London: Tree gives it’s summary of the condition of the world today April 20 2104